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Baking Your Loaf: My process

60 g active starter

350 ml warm filtered water

540 g flour ( unbleached)

9 g salt

Here is the timeline I typically use for baking my bread in this warmer spring weather.

(Obviously the days here can be changed for what works best for you)

Thursday AM: take starter out of fridge and let sit on countertop.

Thursday 8-9PM: Feed starter


6:30 AM: start loaf by mixing 60 g of active starter and 350 ml of warm filtered water, making sure the starter is completely dissolved. Next add in your flour and salt, and hand mix until it is a shaggy dough. The dough may seem dry at this point, that is ok. Cover your bowl with a damp towel or saran wrap and let sit for 30 minutes.

7:00 AM: Stretch and fold #1

For the stretch and folds I normally do these for about 15-30 seconds and just gently lift the dough up and then fold it down, rotate the bowl and do this again 5-6 times. Cover again & let sit for 30 minutes.

7:30 AM:  Stretch and fold #2

Follow above steps.

8:00 AM:  Stretch and fold #3

Follow above steps.

8:30 AM:  Stretch and fold #4

Follow above steps.

Your dough at this point should be smooth and holding its shape much better. If it is not, complete another round of stretch and folds.

If your dough IS smooth and holding shape, you can cover again, and then let your dough proof. I let it proof on the countertop and in warmer months it typically takes 5-6 hours to double in size. In colder months, it takes closer to 8-12 hours. For this example, we are assuming the weather is warm and the dough has proofed/doubled in size quickly.

Friday 4:00 PM: Pre-shape your loaf. let sit in banneton bowl (or if you don't have one, use a floured linen towel in a bowl) for 30-60 minutes. You'll want to pre heat your oven at this time.

4:30 - 5:00 PM: Final shape, score your loaf and pop in the oven.

The oven should be heated to 450*, bake in a dutch oven with lid ON for 30 minutes, then take the lid off and continue baking for additional 18-20 minutes.

  • A lot of people cold proof/ ferment their bread in the fridge overnight, this creates a more sour loaf. I typically do not do this.

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